

The active compounds in rosemary are antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer. This represents a three-pronged attack against many different diseases and pathogens for skin cells that can threaten the body’s immune system. These antioxidant compounds form a secondary line of defense behind the skin’s immune system. Rosemary acts as a stimulant in the body and increases the production of red blood cells and its flow. This work improves the oxygen supply to the tissue of the skin cells. Also, increasing blood flow can help to stimulate the movement of nutrients to the surface cells of the skin (especially the face) that need it. Perhaps one of the most important uses of rosemary is its use as an anti-inflammatory agent. Carnosic acid is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory ingredient found in rosemary and can be useful for reducing skin cell inflammation. Rosemary’s anti-aging properties are well known and its leaves have a very good effect on the skin and can rejuvenate it. Rosemary also works well in the treatment of spots and acnes.