Activated charcoal

Activated charcoal

It is a completely black powder, odorless and tasteless.
When charcoal is heated at a high temperature in a vacuum and without oxygen, it is activated by heat with oxidizing gas or other chemicals and turns into a black powder, which is pure carbon. As a result of the activation of this coal, its capabilities increase and it can absorb various materials.
By turning charcoal into powder, it can be spread on a larger surface to penetrate into different places, enter the pores and absorb toxins and other harmful substances in the body.
Activated charcoal is the newest detoxifying substance.
Dust in the air, dead skin cells, smoke from vehicle fuel and even body sweat can cover the pores on the skin. If these particles are not removed from the surface of the skin, it prevents breathing and endangers its health.
To give the gift of perfect health to your skin, activated charcoal is a powerful auxiliary force. Activated charcoal, which is known as a magical substance, also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Due to the fact that it is activated charcoal powder, it has the ability to fill more pores and by entering the skin cells, it absorbs toxic substances from the lower layers of the skin surface.