

Barberry is an evergreen and often thorny plant that has long been used as medicine from its leaves, roots, bark and fruit. It is also found in parts of Europe, Asia, North and South America, and Africa. This special plant has different varieties and according to its pleasant taste and color, it has a special place in the preparation of food products, and knowing its effective ingredient called “Berberine” which has medicinal properties, it has also found a significant role in the pharmaceutical industry. Properties of the fruit of this red plant is, small and oval in shape, with a sour taste.

Properties of barberry fruit

It has 4% sugar, about 65% malic acid, and then it has tartaric acid and resin. There are many alkaloids such as “Berberine” which is the most famous of them, as well as “Berbamine” and “Oxiaconthine” in all parts of this plant, which play an important role in the emergence of nutritional and medicinal properties of this plant.

What are the properties of barberry for the body:

The phenomenon of “Oxidative stress” occurs as a result of a relative imbalance between the production of free radicals and reactive oxygen species on the one hand and the antioxidant defense system on the other hand. Free radicals are ions that contain unpaired electrons and are highly reactive and play a major role in the etiology of many diseases, including arthritis, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases.

Properties of barberry for the liver:

The liver is responsible for removing toxins and cleaning the body. As an anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory substance, barberry will help liver health. This nutrient can clean the liver and help improve its function and eliminate possible infections in this very important organ.

Barberry benefits for heart and blood pressure:

“Berbamine” found in barberry helps heart health and prevents damage to heart tissue by regulating the concentration of ions in the blood. The regulation of these ions, along with the purification of fat and blood concentration, prevents the occurrence of heart attacks and causes the health of the heart and blood vessels and the elimination of heart and blood vessel cramps.

The effect of barberry properties on reducing blood fat and slimming:

Barberry fruit and its distillate reduce harmful fat in the blood by improving liver function and helping to increase blood flow and increase body metabolism.

The effect of barberry on diabetes:

Due to the presence of an alkaloid called “Berberine” in barberry, it has been seen that due to the better response of the cells to the insulin hormone, which is responsible for regulating blood sugar, blood sugar levels will decrease and diabetic patients will experience better conditions and controlled blood sugar.